This was a sponsored project that I completed with Landor & Fitch. The premise was to take a local existing business and to revamp and streamline it. I chose Pierogi Palace, a local pierogi shop because their food is amazing, but their style not so much. I set out to recreate them from the branding up to be more true to what makes them special.

For my branding I wanted to create something more unique. I also wanted to call back to traditional Polish folk art, so I created a modern version. It references pierogi, fork, and onion shapes as well as traditional folk art shapes. The color palette also references this art.

For my design I wanted to create a warm industrial atmosphere. I wanted the design to reference Cleveland, where the business was started. In addition to keeping it warm and inviting. I wanted a lot of handmade feeling materials and art in the space in form of graphics, chalkboard walls, and custom neon lights.

In my plan I expanded the dining area into the second tenet space to allow for more window space for the dining area. In addition I included a pick up station that connects to the kitchen so customers and staff have a better way of managing pick up orders. I also included a multitude of seating options to cater from groups to individuals.

This is a detail of the chalkboard wall I created. I used their new slogan "not your average pierogi" and then surrounded it with pierogi related drawings and words.

This is the front counter. The menu was a really important part of this design as it rotates daily. The menu is made up of smaller chalkboard pieces that can be taken off the wall, rewritten on, and hung back up. It allows the menu to be flexible but also keep the handwritten touch.

On this wall every pierogi flavor would be displayed. They would all be on a pierogi shaped wooden plaque with the details burned into them. They would also be back lit when on the wall. This was an important design element I wanted to create as having over 200 different flavors is the main draw of the brand and what makes them special.

I also wanted to create a few food truck options for this brand. I think it could be a really successful concept for them as their type of food would lend itself well to the food truck format. I created a full size truck concept as well as a smaller food trailer concept. In addition I also show some branded picnic tables and umbrellas that could be set up too.